Wednesday, October 26, 2011

iPhone App Tutorials

Now this is all done in Xcode obviously.
Here's the "Hello World!" basic app tutorial:

Up Next is a video for a tutorial on a generic "Papi Jump" game:
*This is a 10 part series. Sequential videos can be found on TheEagle1100's Youtube Channel

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

First C++ Program: Hello, World!

So this is LONG overdue, seeing as how I created this basic program a few weeks back.
But long behold the beginner's milestone of basic programming in all of its glory: Hello, World!
Basic, yes. Easy, yes. But a stepping stone nevertheless.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    cout << "Hello World!";
    cout << "I'm a C++ program";

    return 0;

So I'm currently using NetBeans IDE because Eclipse was acting up for some reason. And what's also nice about NetBeans is that it's capable of creating various Java programs (it's main purpose), however it also can support C++ as well.